Category Archives: news

Fashion Show and Fundraiser – St Mary’s Woolton – 18th November 2017

A fundraising Fashion show on

18th November at St Mary’s Woolton


St Mary’s RC Church Hall, Church Street, Woolton, L25 5JR
Walk uphill from Woolton Village along Church Street. After several hundred yards on your right  you will find 26 Church Street, next on the right is a building called the Simon Peter Centre. Opposite 26 is a narrow lane with yellow/gold signs saying Catholic Church St Mary’s Private Road no right of access. This will be marked by balloons. Some 70 yards up the lane is a small car park with St Mary’s Church in the right and the church hall on the left. There is plenty of other parking on Church Street.
If you miss this entrance you will reach, on the left, St Peter’s Church of England which fronts onto Church Street. Beyond that is a purple sign showing Bishop Martin. If you reach these you have gone too far.

ESOL Booklet

The ESOL Booklet is a short guide to help set up ESOL classes where none currently exist. It has links to resources on line and advice on what sort of resources might be required.